
Please DOWNLOAD the vid, do not play it from the web site!

Disclaimer: This is a fanactivity with no profit made (just a lot of my own money used). I do not have the intellectual property rights to any of the source material, video or music, that is being used. Lord of the Rings belongs to the estate of J.R.R. Tolkien, and the movies belong to New Line Cinema. Unicorn is a song by Bel Canto.

However, the vids are my property, and shall not be used, copied, linked to or otherwise distributed in any manner or form without my consent.

This is my first vid. It is the story of how Gimli and Legolas came to share a boat and eventually, a horse.

The song was just perfect, the atmosphere it creates and the lyrics, they are true companions to the end of Arda.

Unicorn   17 MB, in .rmvb, requires the free RealPlayer SP

Feedback to Nessa



There is a chapel in the woods
where from the farthest-seeing senses rule
there is a scroll inside a casket....
clear blue eyes has worn this outfit

yes I knew it was no moonshine, it is real
I feel much better
now I know this spiral shaft
can possess the brightness of the light

Oh, I sayeth
thou art mine true companion
and I wish
thou wilt enter my kingdom
oh, mesmerising unicorn

when if danger it will glow
a glimmer can foresee all threats to come
gone are disbeliefs and doubts
it would be nice, so nice...

oh, I sayeth
thou art mine true companion
and I hope
thou wilt enter my kingdom
oh, yes I wish
I really wish

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